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Video Relay Interpreting (VRI)

One of our services is VRI.  What is VRI?  Simply put, it is using an interpreter through a video connection instead of in-person. 

Video Remote Interpreting -- The WINning Alternative

What is WIN VRI?
Benefits of WIN VRI
How WIN VRI Works
User Requirements

What is WIN VRI?

VRI is for "Video Remote Interpreting." VRI is a convenient interpreting service offered by WIN. Using our service, Deaf or hard-of-hearing and hearing people who are in the same location can easily communicate.

WIN VRI provides a professional "video interpreter" who is connected to you using videoconferencing technology through the Internet.

WIN's primary goals in providing VRI are:

In addition, WIN VRI is environmentally-friendly. It helps eliminate travel, reducing the pollution that results from interpreters driving from site to site all day.

Benefits of WIN VRI

WIN VRI benefits Deaf and hearing individuals by providing convenient communication access. WIN VRI helps private and public entities, and other organizations to easily comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility requirements and other disability legislation.

WIN VRI is for anyone looking to provide communication access for Deaf employees, students, or customers. Examples include:

WIN VRI service can replace the need for an interpreter to physically come on-site for meetings of short duration. Since onsite interpreting services typically bill for a minimum of two hours, you save save money by not needing to book a live interpreter for short, spur-of-the-moment, or emergency needs.

How WIN VRI Works

To use the service, simply contact WIN to sign up for VRI. When you have a need, you connect to and an interpreter, located at one of WIN's video interpreting centers, will be on your screen. Deaf and hearing users converse just as if the interpreter was in the same room. When the session ends, you are billed for minutes instead of hours.

User Requirements

To use WIN VRI, you need a high-speed Internet connection and WIN-authorized software or hardware. WIN will consult with you on your specific technical situation to best meet your needs. Call us today!

To create your profile and begin making requests now, please call or follow this link.