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Privacy Policy

We respect and are committed to protecting your privacy.

This Privacy Policy describes the information that we collect from you, how we collect this information, and what we do with it after we collect it. This policy is supplemental to our Terms of Use, posted elsewhere on this site. In the event of a conflict, the Terms of Use will take precedence over this Privacy Policy.

We collect personal information when you register on our web site. This is for the purpose of providing you with our services or in the interest of enhancing and managing our business relationship.

We make good faith efforts to provide you access to manage your personal information in your profile and to let you correct such information if it is inaccurate and delete it, when reasonably possible.

We do not release your information to third parties. We take every reasonable effort we can to protect your personal information stored on our web site. We may be required to release information if served with a duly executed order from a court of competent jurisdiction.

Customer information is provided to our personnel on an as-needed basis. For example, some of your information will be provided to interpreters, writers, and translators to facilitate the provision of services. This includes such logistical information as dates, times, and locations of assignments, as well as contact information pertinent to assignments.

You are solely responsible for the integrity of your password, which provides access to your profile. We recommend you change this password every 90 days.

Our web site uses cookies to facilitate your use of the site. You may decline to accept cookies, but some functions may then not work properly.

Our web site also tracks when you visit our site and what you do while on our site. This is to help us help you with any difficulties you may experience, as well as to monitor the site for instances of fraud and ensuring the security of our network and servers.